年度建筑最佳设计奖Architect Design of the Year商业建筑类-金奖New Commercial
Building-Gold 重庆原麓社区中心Yuanlu Community Center in Chongqing
△ 年度最佳建筑设计奖
第12届美国“IDA国际设计奖”(International Design Award)于3月1日官宣了2018年度获奖名单。来自90个国家的公司和设计师提交了4000多份设计作品,竞争激烈,整个评判过程十分严格。成执设计与隽执科技共同设计并建造的作品《重庆原麓社区中心》获得评审们一致垂青,从众多参赛作品中脱颖而出,一举摘获建筑类唯一的“年度最佳设计大奖”,并获得了“建筑商业类金奖”。成为继水立方项目获得“2008年度最佳建筑设计大奖”后,中国再次获此殊荣的项目。
The 12th American " International Design Award(IDA)" officially announced the 2018 winners on March 1. Companies and designers from 90 countries submitted more than 4,000 projects, and the competition was fierce, and the entire judging process was very strict. Challenge Design & JAZ BUILD as the designer and builder of the project “Yuanlu Community Center in Chongqing ” won the unanimous attention of the judges, and stood out from the many entries, winning two major awards that the “Architect Design of the Year”(only one)and “New Commercial Building Gold Award” . This is the project of Chinese architecture to receive this honor after the Water Cube getting the "Architect Design of the Year 2008".
The jury is composed of world-renowned architecture, design, fashion-related media magazines and professionals. Each year, the jury has selected top design works with innovation and creativity, and has become one of the industry's leading awards. The 11th & 12th International Design Awards event will take place in Los Angeles on 25th of April 19;, so stay tuned for the awards gala.
重庆原麓社区中心 Yuanlu Community Center
项目毗邻龙兴古镇,御临河边,有远山起伏。 为表达建筑、空间、形体的真实性哲学理念,建筑师利用木结构的特色,以结构形态塑造建筑空间和形体,将空间与结构产生紧密联系,因而使建筑本身具有了“诚实的美德”。这种基于变化中的结构形态将功能、空间、材料、结构与人的交融和对话逐级展开,使建筑的一切都在自然的光线下优美的表现出来。
Facing Yulin River, the Project sits next to Longxing Ancient Town, Chongqing, China, mirrored by rolling hills in the distance and a centralized green area. In order to demonstrate the philosophy of authenticity of architecture, space, form and structure, architects use timber to closely link space and structure, thus making the architecture itself have the "virtue of honesty". Based on the changing structural form, the integration and interaction of functions, spaces, materials and structures with people are gradually unfolded, thus to exhibit the elegance of the building in natural light.
项目名称 |重庆龙湖长滩原麓社区中心
地理位置 | 渝北龙兴商圈
建筑面积 | 4000平方米
项目业主 | 重庆两江新区龙湖新御置业发展有限公司
建筑设计 |上海成执建筑设计有限公司
总建筑师 |李杰
设计总监 |黄伟严芳
设计团队 | 冯武兵
BIM总监 | 许阳峰
BIM团队 |刘喜桃刘寅
室内设计 |上海成执建筑设计有限公司
设计总监 |吴雪艳
设计团队 | 郑文龙薛成宗颜袁原
木结构施工 |上海隽执建筑科技有限公司
设计时间 | 2017年12月
竣工时间 | 2018年7月
摄影团队 | 三棱镜建筑空间摄影 存在建筑
美国IDA国际设计奖介绍 About International Design Awards
2007年,一些设计师、思想家和企业家创立了美国国际设计大奖(International Design Awards),以回应人们对智能和可持续发展的多学科设计缺乏的认可。该奖项主导设计的可持续性、科学性、智能性,是美国最具权威的国际设计大奖之一。
A handful of designers, thinkers and entrepreneurs created the International Design Awards in 2007 as a response to the lack of recognition and celebration for smart and sustainable multidisciplinary design.
The International Design Awards (IDA) exists to recognize, celebrate and promote legendary design visionaries and to uncover emerging talent in Architecture, Interior, Product, Graphic, and Fashion Design. IDA aspires to draw attention to the iconoclasm of design world wide, conceptualizing and producing great work.
The IDA International Design Award is aimed at the vast European and American markets. At the same time, it cooperates with many famous magazines and media in the United States to help the winners expand their global popularity. It has also become a rare international competition stage for designing new blood and professional designers.
△2017 Bunjil Place 班吉尔广场
△2016 曼苏申森岛度假村
Manshausen Island Resort
Designer:Snorre Stinessen
△2015 新加坡国家体育场
ingapore National Stadium
Designer:Arup Associates
△2014 古根海姆赫尔辛基
Guggenheim Helsinki
Designer:Martin Summers
△2013 G3购物度假村
G3 Shopping Resort
Designer:ATP Architects Engineers

Designer:PTW Architects