
Park Legend Kindergarten


2019 Architecture MasterPrize

Winner in Architectural Design

Educational Buildings

近日,美国建筑大师奖 The Architecture MasterPrize(AMP)公布了2019年度获奖名单,本奖项为最受尊敬的建筑奖项之一,并为全球建筑和设计行业树立新的标杆。每一个提交的设计作品都由受人尊敬的AMP评审团进行评估,并从42个类别中选出最佳项目。成执设计主持的成都万科公园传奇幼儿园项目荣获教育类建筑设计Winner

The Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) announced the 2019 winners yesterday, AMP aims to become one of the most respected architectural awards and set a new benchmark for the architectural and design professions globally. Each submitted design is evaluated by a respected AMP jury and selected from 42 categories. Chengdu Vanke Park Legendary Kindergarten by Challenge Design has been awarded in Architectural Design- Educational Buildings category.


The 2018/19 bi-annual Winners Event will be held at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao on October 14, 2019. As a winner, we have been invited to participate in the ceremony and present the winning entries to a global audience.

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The project is located in Chengdu’s Tianfu New Area. The site is surrounded by a one hundred meter-long green belt to the north and a dramatic urban landscape. The layout of the buildings fits well with the unregular site, creating a harmonious blend of nature and modernity. While enjoying an amazing connection with nature, the children will also learn from their environment by appreciating the eco-friendly buildings.


项目名称  | 成都万科公园传奇幼儿园

地理位置  | 成都天府新区

建筑面积  | 5600平方米

项目业主  | 成都万科南城置业有限公司

建筑设计  | 上海成执建筑设计有限公司

总建筑师  | 李杰

设计总监  | 严芳

设计团队  | 林淑雅 李海莲 冯武兵 林威 许修贤

施工图设计 | 重庆长厦安基建筑设计有限公司

室内及软装设计  | ENJOYDESIGN

景观设计  | 纬图设计机构

景观施工  | 广州华苑园林

泛光设计施工 | 四川普瑞照明工程有限公司

外墙涂料深化设计 | 成都烨华建设工程有限公司

设计时间  | 2018年4月-2019年2月

竣工时间  |  2019年2月

摄影团队  | 三棱镜建筑空间摄影、熊欢、路径建筑摄影


关于 AMP

The Architecture MasterPrize(美国建筑大师奖)前身为The American Architecture Prize (AAP), 是由耶鲁大学、哈佛大学、古根海姆基金会、纽约时报、ArchDaily等国际著名高校、媒体及美国建筑奖组委会联合主办的最具综合性的国际建筑奖项之一。该奖项由建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计三大类组成,致力于奖励那些突破界限并树立新标准的人才,他们将平凡变为非凡,激励他人,无论是当代还是未

The Architecture MasterPrize is one of the most comprehensive international architectural awards co-organized by internationally renowned universities and media. The jurors included  Professor of Architecture at Yale University, Curator of Architecture and Digital Initiatives at the Guggenheim Foundation and Museum, Professor at Harvard University Graduate School, and many more.This award is across the disciplines of architecture, interior design and landscape design, and is honoring and awarding the talents of those who push boundaries and set new standards, who turn the ordinary into the truly extraordinary and inspire others, today and for generations to come.

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